1. Number of Players
Polo is played by two teams, with each team having 4 players (numbered 1-4). Teams have a mix of left and right-handed players to better hit the ball on either side. Substitutions can be made at the end of a chukker or if a player gets injured. There may also be mounted umpires on the field to officiate.
2. Playing Field
The playing field is 300 yards long by 160 yards wide, the largest field in organized sports. The field is carefully maintained with closely mowed grass. White lines mark the sidelines, goal lines, a center line, and 30-yard lines. Near each goal line are light marked safety zones extending 40 yards out from the goal line.
3. Polo Ball
The polo ball is made of plastic or wood, weighing from 3.5 to 4.75 ounces. The regulation size is 3-3.5 inches in diameter. It is white or some other distinctive color so it can easily be spotted against the green grass. The surface must have a wood-like sound and feel when struck with a mallet.
4. Polo Sticks
Polo sticks are made of bamboo or composite materials and are called mallets. They are about 48-53 inches long with one end doublewrapped in leather or rubber to form an oval face that strikes the ball. Each player carries one polo mallet held in the right hand, while the left hand holds the reins.
5. Equipment and Gear
Players wear protective knee high boots, britches or jodhpurs, spurs if desired, a long-sleeved shirt for protection, and a regulation safety helmet with a face guard to protect the eyes. Other equipment includes knee guards, elbow guards, and gloves. Each player rides a polo pony saddled with a breastplate to keep the saddle from slipping. The ponies also have wrappings on their legs for protection.
6. Duration of the Game
A full game consists of 4-8 shorter periods of timed play called chukkers. Each chukker lasts 7 minutes with a 2 minute interval between chukkers for the players to change ponies. There is a halftime of 5 minutes after the second or fourth chukker. The total game time is over an hour to about 2 hours long. The team with the most goals scored wins the game.
7. Officials
There are two umpires who declare fouls, settle disputes, and keep the time using a stopwatch. They ride with the players on the field or stand at the center line. There is also a third referee positioned off the field who has final judging authority. These three officials work together to make sure games are played fairly according to the rules.
8. Lining Up
At the start of each chukker, the two teams line up facing each other across the center line. The umpire bowls the ball between them to begin play. No player can cross the line before the ball is bowled. Doing so incurs a penalty. Players scramble for position as the players with the No. 1 jerseys usually compete first for the ball.
9. Game Play
The basic goals are to ride at speed while carrying the long mallet, hit the ball down the grassy field toward the opposing team’s goal, score goals, avoid committing fouls, and prevent goals by the opposing side. Polo has often been described as “hockey on horseback.” Players showcase superb horsemanship skills as the horses race across the field in pursuit of the ball at speeds over 30 mph, making hairpin turns in both directions. Teamwork is essential as players strategically pass the ball to teammates.
10. Fouls and Penalties
Fouls are illegal plays that give the opposing team a penalty shot. Common polo penalties include traveling (not dribbling the ball as in soccer), offside, hooking another player’s mallet, carrying the ball over a certain distance, and excessive use of force especially if it endangers horse or rider. Accidentally hitting another player’s horse is also penalized. When a foul occurs, play halts and the fouled team gets a free shot at the goal without interference from the opponents.
11. Scoring
Scoring goals earns points. Goals are scored by hitting the ball between and over the goal posts without committing any fouls. If scored within the 40 yard safety zone, a goal is worth 1 point. Goals from beyond the 40 yard zone are worth 2 points. At the end of each chukker, goals scored by each team are totaled. The team with the highest overall goal score wins the game. Typical polo scores run 10-15 goals between both teams. In tournament play, each polo match is decided by the best out of three games between two teams.
12. Chukker Time
The timed 7 minute chukker begins when the ball is hit or thrown in by the umpire. Chukker time is kept by the mounted umpire who throws in a new ball after every goal scored. When time expires for that 7 minute chukker segment, play stops regardless of where on the field the ball is. Possession goes to whichever team is closest to the ball when the bell sounds ending the chukker. Strategic last second scoring drives are common near the end. The playing chukkers and turns change directions on the field after every goal or each chukker.
In summary, polo is an exciting, fast-paced team sport combining skilled horsemanship, ball handling skills akin to hockey, team tactics, speed, athletic reflexes, risk taking, and split second decision making as the horses, team members and ball move rapidly downfield in offensive drives, circles and patterns that change direction suddenly. Following polo’s unique rules and rhythms creates fascinating cultural traditions enjoyed for generations.
By polo coach Yurovskiy Kirill